Three Myths About Veneers

Porcelain Veneers Melville, NYHaving the perfect smile doesn’t always come without some work for most people. Luckily, with a variety of different cosmetic procedures, like dental veneers, from Dr. Dean Glasser, you can get a brighter, whiter, straighter, and perfect looking smile in no time. However, just like with most things, there are many myths circulating dental veneers. To help you feel more informed, we have created a list debunking three common myths. Let’s take a closer look.

They Will Be Too White

If you watched the hit ‘90’s sitcom, Friends, then you likely remember the episode where Ross had his teeth professionally whitened to the point that they glowed in the dark. One of the misconceptions that some patients have about dental veneers is that like Ross; their teeth will be so white that they will glow in the dark and make you feel like the next joke on the block. One of the best parts about porcelain dental veneers is that we can match them to your surrounding teeth so that they look more natural.

They Will Look Fake

One of the biggest fears that many patients have when it comes to porcelain veneers is that they will look fake— enter images of chicklet gum placed over your teeth. And although there may be some patients out there who leave their dentist’s office with a mouth full of fake looking teeth, here at our office Dr. Dean Glasser will ensure that your teeth look as real as possible each and every time.

They Don’t Last

Another misconception that some patients have about dental veneers is that they don’t last. However, it is estimated that dental veneers can last anywhere from about 7-20 years depending on the patient and how much wear and tear they place on their teeth.

Dental veneers are a great way to help correct oral issues like chipped or cracked teeth, and can also be used to treat cosmetic issues like misaligned, discolored, or oddly shaped teeth.

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