Scaling & Root Planing in Melville, NY

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Scaling and root planing is a treatment procedure usually performed on patients during the early stages of periodontal disease to help remove the plaque and tartar that built up beneath the gum line. This procedure is considered a deep cleaning and may be performed to improve the quality of tissue before surgery, or to prevent the disease from progressing to a more advanced stage.

Gum disease occurs from the buildup of tartar on the teeth. When this buildup extends into the gum line, patients can be at risk for periodontal disease which is the inflammation and infection of the gums. Visiting Dr. Glasser for a customized scaling & root planing treatment can help treat this issue and prevent it from getting worse. Scaling involves removing dental tartar from the surface of the teeth, and root planing focuses on removing any infected areas of the tooth. Combining these two procedures into one treatment allows for optimal recovery from periodontal disease.

During the scaling part of the procedure, an instrument called a scaler is used to scrape away any plaque or tartar that has built up beneath the gums. This plaque often develops in pockets that form between the teeth and gums. As the disease progresses, these pockets grow and may cause teeth to loosen and eventually fall out.

Once the scaler has removed the plaque and tartar, the treated area is rough and uneven. Root planing smoothes the root of the tooth so that the gums can heal and reattach to the tooth properly. Your periodontist may also prescribe antibiotics or irrigation with anti-microbials to help prevent bacteria from growing in the mouth.

There are a few signs that indicate you may have gum disease and are in need of scaling and root planing. One of the first major signs that tell patients they need this dental treatment is if their gums are bleeding, soft, or loose. Gums are meant to hold teeth in place so if they seem as if they are loose or weak, this may be a good indication you need dental treatment. One of the most visible indicators of periodontal disease is if patients notice their gum line is shrinking. Swelling or inflamed gums can also be a sign of tartar buildup.

Most patients can be treated for gum disease using this procedure, however, you will see optimized results and future prevention from gum disease the earlier you can identify you have it. It’s important that patients are in overall good health and not recovering from any other recent surgeries before their scaling & root planing treatment. Visit your dentist regularly to catch periodontal disease or gingivitis as early as possible to prevent long-lasting damaging effects.

Anesthesia or sedation may be used during this procedure for patients who experience sensitivity or anxiety when it comes to dental procedures. There is little to no pain associated with this procedure, and patients can resume their regular activities immediately after. Your dentist may prescribe medication to handle any post-treatment discomfort.

Most patients can recover from their scaling & root planing treatment within three to five days. While they may experience some tooth sensitivity for a few days after their procedure, this side effect quickly disappears. During your recovery period, it is important to make sure your at-home oral hygiene routine is one that can provide optimal oral health in order to prevent pockets from forming again.

Developing a good oral hygiene routine that involves brushing and flossing your teeth regularly is the number one way to prevent plaque and tartar buildup and gum disease. Visit your dentist at least twice a year for a regular cleaning and check-up to identify early warning signs of any gum disease. Avoiding tobacco and smoking will also minimize your risks of gum disease and the need for scaling & root planing.

Schedule a Consultation With Us

Are you ready to get back to a healthier smile? Call us at 631-423-6767 to schedule an appointment or click here for more information. Dr. Glasser and his team in New York are just a click away from the smile you’ve always wanted.

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