Camx Spectra in Melville, NY

The CamX Spectra provides invaluable support for dental treatments and enhances patient understanding of necessary treatments. When patients better understand the need for treatment options it can lead to more informed decisions. The CamX Spectra caries detection aid gives patients the complete story of their oral health.

What is the CamX Spectra?

The CamX Spectra features the only caries detection aid that uses fluorescence technology to visualize and discover caries earlier, as well as plaque and calculus. Imaging software is used to display healthy tooth enamel, incipient enamel caries, deep enamel caries, dentin caries, and deep dentin caries.

How does the CamX Spectra work?

Caries and plaque filters in the imaging software show caries activity by means of a color scale and numeric evaluation. Four Violet LEDS stimulate metabolic products found in cariogenic bacteria, causing them to glow red while healthy enamel glows green.


What is the CamX Spectra process?

  1. Shine - Spectra shines a safe, fluorescent light onto the tooth surface
  2. Transmit - Vital information is transmitted and available for us and you to instantly view in vivid color on our computer
  3. Discover - Areas of decay will be visible on screen
  4. Read - The extent of the decay will be indicated by both color and number
  5. Discuss - Together, we'll discuss the findings and decide on appropriate treatment

How does the CamX Spectra find cavities earlier?

The goal of every dentist is to spot dental cavities as early as possible. This limits the amount of tooth that needs to be removed. The CamX Spectra Caries Detection Aid does just that. In the past, dentists have had to explore potential cavities with an explorer pick and look for visual cues. But very tiny initial cavities often are not visible to the naked eye and were missed. They would be allowed to progress, eventually requiring a much larger removal of decayed and healthy tooth down the road.

The CamX Spectra detection system uses fluorescence to detect caries in fissures and smooth surfaces that may go unnoticed even on x-rays. When the four violet LEDs hit the tooth, they stimulate the metabolic products in cariogenic bacteria, causing them to glow red while healthy enamel glows green. Various colors and instant measurements of the various pockets detail the extent and depth of the cavity.

The CamX Spectra system allows our team to find decay in areas that are difficult to see visually or to access with an explorer pick. It will also show decay hidden between the margins of existing composite and amalgam restorations. Early detection is key for the most comfortable removal of caries while leaving the most healthy tooth mass.

Does Camx Spectra Diagnosis Hurt?

There is no pain with the CamX Spectra Caries Detection Aid. The light used consists of four violet LEDs. When they are directed onto the tooth surface, the patient feels nothing. In fact, while we are checking the patient’s teeth, he or she can watch right along with Dr. Glasser or the hygienist on the adjacent computer screen.

Does the CamX Spectra emit radiation?

There is no radiation emitted with this system. Rather than x-rays, the CamX Spectra uses LED light, similar to the LED light bulbs you are installing in your home.

CamX vs. Traditional Cavity Detection

Patients and colleagues alike recommend the CamX Spectra Caries Detection Aid because it allows earlier, more accurate detection.

Patients love this because they no longer have to put up with an explorer pick pushing onto their teeth. Plus, they are able to see the areas of decay on the screen so they fully understand the need for treatment.

Why Is Early Cavity Detection Important?

Dentists like Dr. Glasser love the system because it helps them find decay far earlier than with visual clues, x-rays, or probing. When the LED light triggers the metabolic process in the cariogenic bacteria, it is plain for all to see. Plus the system shows just how deeply the decay has progressed, displaying it in different colors denoting the depth. Early detection also gives different options for removing the decay, rather than simply drilling out a large area and filling it. We can remove less tooth mass because we spot the trouble far earlier.

Check Out What Our Patients Are Saying!

"My smile now is one of my favorite assets. Dr Glasser is such a knowledgable dentist . I never liked to smile and now I can't stop."

- Sandi Jackson Gershowitz

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Glasser!

To learn more about the CamX Spectra or any other services we offer, or to arrange a personalized appointment with Dean Glasser, DDS, Call 631-423-6767 or click here to send us an email contact form. We look forward to serving you!

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