The 411 on Conscious Sedation

Sedation Dentistry Melville, NYWhen it comes to sedation dentistry, patients often assume that the only method used involves being completely unconscious with general anesthesia. And although general anesthesia can be used to help calm patients nerves and make the procedure go smoother for them emotionally, here at Dr. Dean Glasser’s office, we offer a variety of different types of sedation dentistry ranging from conscious sedation to deep sedation to even (yes, you guessed it) general anesthesia. To help you gain a better understanding of the types of sedation we offer, let’s take a closer look at conscious sedation.

What Is Conscious Sedation?

This type of sedation involves sedatives that will be administered to you before the dental procedure to help you relax. Although you will be conscious and responsive during your entire dental treatment, you won’t feel any pain, and many patients don’t remember much of the procedure afterward.

What Are the Benefits?

If your mind races and your dental fears tend to be greater than they actually are, then Dr. Dean Glasser may recommend conscious sedation to help ease your fears and calm your nerves. In general, we like to avoid general anesthesia unless it’s absolutely necessary— because it has more side effects. With conscious sedation, however, we can help many of our patients feel psychologically and physically more comfortable without as many risks involved.

There are too many things in life to stress over, and dental work shouldn’t be one of them. If dental fears are plaguing your life and preventing you from getting dental work done, Dr. Dean Glasser has got you covered. Ranging in strength and catered toward every patient, we have three different methods of sedation dentistry to help ease your fears.

Ready to take steps to learn more about sedation dentistry? Schedule an appointment at our Melville office today: (631) 423-6767.

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