How to Tell if Your Baby is Teething

Pediatric Dentistry | Baby TeethingIf you are a new parent, welcome to the daily guessing game. Although there are pamphlets and thousands of online articles available to help make your life easier, there is no real manual on parenting. And because parenting is a guessing game, it can sometimes see impossible to know if what your baby is going through is normal or if it is something you need to be concerned about— especially when it comes to teething. This article will discuss a few of the most common signs that your baby is teething and how you can spot them. Read on to learn more.

Tons of Drool

Babies are natural droolers, but if you have noticed that your baby is drooling a lot more than usual, this could be a large sign that they are teething. Take a look at how much your baby is drooling. Many babies who are teething, go through several bibs filled with drool each and every day.


When babies are hungry, tired, and they need to be changed, they cry and get fussy. However, for the rest of the time, your baby should be pretty content. If you have noticed that your baby is more irritable than usual, this is another sign that they may be teething. Teething is unfortunately very painful for babies who can make them feel grumpy and out of control.


Not all babies run a fever when they are teething, but a lot of them certainly do. Make sure that your child isn’t exhibiting symptoms of a cold or the flu virus in addition to a fever. If they simply have small fever under 102, but they have the symptoms listed above, then their fever is likely due to teething. To help break their fever and with the permission of their pediatrician, you can give your child baby Tylenol or ibuprofen if they are over six months— this will help to not only lower their fever but make them feel more comfortable.

Having a teething baby is not only miserable for them but you as well. If you think your little one is teething but you just aren’t sure, look for the symptoms listed above. Although not all babies will have these exact symptoms, they are the most common. To learn more about pediatric dentistry, contact Dr. Dean Glasser’s office today.



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