When Less Is More: Discovering the Benefits of Cam X Spectra

dental technologyMore money, more vacation days, a square footage in your house, and more time spent on the beach are all just a few of the things that you likely want more of in your life. However, sometimes there are certain scenarios where less is simply more; including the new Cam X Spectra. As a handheld device that allows Dr. Dean Glasser to take a closer look at your teeth, the Cam X Spectra uses fluorescent light technology to catch dental problems early on. Once the light is used, the images will be transmitted onto a TV screen for both you and Dr. Glasser to analyze. This process will let both Dr. Glasser and you see what areas of your teeth need to be fixed and create a plan. With less invasive procedures, less time spent in the dentist chair, and less discomfort, the Cam X Spectra shows that less, is in fact, more.

Less Invasive Procedures

With Cam X Spectra, Dr. Dean Glasser will be able to catch any oral problems early and start treating them right away. Because dental issues are caught before they get worse with the Cam X Spectra, you won’t have to deal with as many—if any at all—invasive procedures.

Less Time Spent In the Dentist Chair

The more dental problems you have, the more time you have to spend in our office. And although we love seeing all of our patients, you likely have other stuff you want to do with your time. By catching any dental problems early on with the Cam X Spectra, Dr. Dean Glasser will be able to treat it right away and hopefully fix the problem so that you can spend less time in the dentist chair.

Less Discomfort

Both infection and extreme dental procedures can leave you in a whole lot of pain and discomfort. Luckily, by detecting the problem early on with the Cam X Spectra, you can get rid of infections and reduce the likelihood of having to undergo extreme dental procedures—a win, win for you and your mouth.

If you would like to learn more about the Cam X Spectra and how it can make your whole dental experience easier and more efficient, contact Dr. Dean Glasser’s office today to schedule an appointment.




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