It’s time for newly sharpened pencils, brand new book bags, and fresh new sneakers. In addition to getting your child new school supplies for school, don’t forget about their oral health. Before the school bus rolls around to pick up your little one for their first day of school, we have a few back to school tips to help keep your child’s smile healthy and cavity-free all school year long.
Get a Dental Cleaning
Getting your kid in for a dental cleaning before the school year starts is ideal because then you don’t have to worry about it interfering with their busy school and after school schedule. If you forgot to squeeze them in, though, don’t worry; there’s still time to do it now before the year picks up and things get hectic.
Pick Out Healthy Snacks
Kids love to snack, but the snacks that kids typically choose aren’t necessarily good for their teeth. Go to the grocery store with your kids and let them choose some snacks that are good for their oral health like apple slices, carrots, almonds, and string cheese.
Get Into a Toothbrush Schedule
The hardest part for kids when they go back to school is getting back into a schedule. Not only do they have a new homework and bedtime schedule, but make sure that they are brushing their teeth as part of their schedule as well. Get them into the habit of brushing before school, right when they get home from school, and before bed every night.
Get a New Toothbrush
New school clothes and supplies are fun but don’t forget to get them a new toothbrush. If they come into our office for a cleaning, they will get a free one to take home with them, but if not, then let them choose a new one out at the grocery store.
Heading into the school year with a clean and healthy mouth is a great way to get off on the right foot. To schedule your child’s dental cleaning, contact our Melville office at (631) 423-6767.