What to expect with endodontic therapy

Inside of the roots of a tooth is a complex collection of nerve fibers and blood vessels that not only keep the tooth alive but provide the sensation of pain. When this area of the tooth becomes damaged through infection or decay, it can cause patients to experience a toothache. In situations such as this, the best option for treatment is a procedure called endodontic therapy, or more commonly known as “root canal therapy.”

What happens during root canal therapy?

Endodontic treatment is often required to repair a diseased tooth. Before the procedure, patients are given proper sedation and anesthetics to numb the area. Then, a hole is made in the tooth and specialized instruments are used to remove the dental pulp from inside of the tooth’s canals. Then, the area is disinfected to treat bacteria and then filled and sealed using gutta percha. Because endodontic treatment can cause a tooth to become weak and brittle, the tooth may also require the placement of dental crown on top to strengthen it and protect it from damage. In certain situations in addition to local anesthetic, the apprehensive or anxious patient may require conscious sedation. Dr. Dean Glasser is certified in the administration of Enteral or Oral Conscious Sedation. The purpose of sedation dentistry is to provide a more suitable and comfortable state of relaxation for the patient as they proceed through their course of treatment.

What are the alternatives to root canal therapy?

It is essential that patients understand the importance of performing root canal therapy to save a tooth. Without root canal therapy, the only other option for treating the tooth is to fully extract it. Then patients need to worry about tooth replacement solutions such as dental implants, partial dentures, or dental bridges, which can be an added expense. Whenever possible, it is best to maintain a natural tooth in the smile.

Is root canal therapy painful?

Many patients fear this procedure because they are led to believe that it is painful. In actuality, the problems that occur within the tooth can cause the pain, but the procedure itself is done to relieve the pain entirely.

Do you need a root canal?

Melville, NY patients who are in need of endodontic therapy are strongly encouraged to book a consultation appointment with Dr. Dean and Renee Glasser at Implant and General Dentistry of Long Island to learn about their options for treatment. The practice is located at 458 Old Country Road and can be reached at (631) 423-6767.

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