Whether you are traveling close by or somewhere far away this summer, make sure that you continue to take good care of your teeth. Not only should you try to brush at least twice a day and drink more water, but you should also make sure that you don’t come home with teeth that are a little yellower than you started with. So, what are some ways that you can whiten your teeth while traveling? Let’s take a closer look.
Get them whitened before
The first thing that you should do is start your trip out on the right foot and get your teeth professionally whitened before you hit the open road. Here at our office, we use in-office bleach which will help give you a whiter smile in just one or two sessions. The great thing about getting your teeth to whitened before you go out of town is that you won’t only look good in pictures, but the only thing that you will have to do afterward is maintaining them.
Use a whitening pen
Whitening pens are great because you can use them without a mirror and while on the go. We encourage patients to use whitening pens multiple times a day. For instance, if you just had a cup of coffee, you can rinse your mouth with water and then use the whitening pen to help prevent stains. The great thing about these is tha you don’t have to go back to your hotel room to get the job done; in fact, you can do all of the touristy stuff that you want!
Use whitening toothpaste
Once you have done all of the sightseeing and are back at your hotel, use a whitening toothpaste to get off any stains that you couldn’t get off with a whitening pen alone. The combination of your abrasive toothbrush and the hydrogen peroxide in your toothpaste will help to get rid of any surface stains.
Come back from vacation with white, bright teeth by using these tips. To learn some more, contact our Melville office and call (631) 423-6767.