How Long Is Root Canal Recovery?

As the holiday season approaches, you’ll be feasting on the goodies that put your teeth to the test. Each year, dentists perform more than 15 million root canals.

There is a lot of misinformation about root canals that makes them seem scary. For instance, how long is root canal recovery?

The more you know about getting a root canal, the better. It is a procedure critical to saving your natural teeth. Here are some facts you should know about the root canal.

What Is a Root Canal?

A root canal is the dentist’s best tool for saving a natural tooth if there is disease or damage. The dentist removes the soft tissue, or pulp, during a root canal to preserve the tooth’s root.

Having that root in place makes it easier for you to chew. It also helps maintain the natural alignment of your teeth.

How Is a Root Canal Done?

The procedure is straightforward. Dr. Glasser opens up the tooth by drilling a hole in it. That provides access to the pulp. Once the inside of the tooth is clean, a temporary filling goes in to close the hole. A second appointment allows for the addition of a permanent filling or a crown to secure the tooth and prevent further problems with it. This process helps to eliminate the infection and relieve pain, allowing the tooth to be preserved rather than extracted.

A dental crown may be capped to strengthen and protect it because a tooth that has undergone a root canal can become brittle over time.

What Is the Recovery Time for a Root Canal?

After the procedure, you may feel minor pain, but it should only last a few days. Dr. Glasser may give you medication to help manage it. For most people, root canal recovery time is just a few days.

Schedule a Root Canal Consultation Today

A consultation at Implant & General Dentistry of Long Island allows either Dr. Dean Glasser or Dr. Renee Glasser to evaluate the health of your tooth and determine if a root canal is the best course of treatment. Contact the office today via the online form or call 631-423-6767 to schedule your appointment.

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