3 Dental Myths Your Kids May Fall For

Pediatric Dentistry Melville,NY Yes, it’s true that kids say the darndest things. And since the evolution of the Internet, kids are more likely to read crazy information on the Internet that has no scientific backing— especially when it comes to the dentist. This article will discuss three dental myths your kids may fall for and how to debunk them. Read on to learn more.

Myth #1. The Dentist Is Scary

Although there are enough movies out there about the dentist to give your kids nightmares, the dentist doesn’t have to be scary. In fact, Dr. Dean Glasser will ensure that your child stays calm and comfortable from start to finish. To help your child feel less scared of the dentist, bring them by our office to say hello— they’ll realize that we’re not as scary as they think.

Myth #2: Wetting Your Toothbrush is the Same As Brushing

We all did this at least once when we were kids. Wetting your toothbrush without brushing and lying to our parents saying that we brushed. As a parent, hopefully you’re too smart to fall for this trick. Make sure that your kids know the importance of brushing their teeth both morning and night for at least 60 seconds. By explaining to them that their teeth can get cavities if they’re not properly brushed, you can encourage them to do so on a regular basis.

Myth #3: Baby Teeth Aren’t Important

Because baby teeth fall out and are replaced with adult teeth, many parents and children assume that dental hygiene isn’t important when they’re young. However, kids can still get cavities. By instilling good dental habits in your kids at a young age, you can prepare them for a healthy adulthood. When it comes to teaching your kids about how important their baby teeth are, lead by example and show them the importance of brushing.

Kids can be extremely gullible, but with your guidance, you can teach them what is fact and what is fiction. To learn more about pediatric dental health or to schedule an appointment, contact Dr. Dean Glasser today!

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