Symptoms of Oral Cancer

Oral Cancer Melville, NYIf you are a cigarette smoker or tobacco user you know that you are at a higher risk of developing lung cancer, throat cancer, and heart disease. But did you know that you are also at a higher risk of developing oral cancer as well? Whether you smoke or not during one of your regular dental examinations, Dr. Glasser will check for any signs of oral cancer. But what are the signs and symptoms that you as a patient should be on the lookout for? Let’s take a closer look.

White Patches

Have you ever had strep throat? If so then you may have noticed white patches on the back of your throat. Similarly, one sign of oral cancer to look out for are white patches on the inside of your cheeks or on the roof of your mouth. If you notice any of these patches and they aren’t going away, then make sure to contact Dr. Glasser

Persistent Pain

The tricky thing about persistent mouth pain is that it could be attributed to a variety of things including an oral infection, a cavity, or yes, even oral cancer. If you are experiencing any sort of persistent oral pain, schedule an appointment with Dr. Glasser so that he can get down to the root cause of it.

Sore Throat

Having a sore throat that’s accompanied by a cold and then goes away after a week is something that’s normal during this time of year. But having a persistent sore throat that you just can’t get rid of may be a sign of oral or throat cancer.

If at any point you are worried that you may have signs of oral cancer, don’t hesitate to give Dr. Glasser a call. To learn more about oral cancer screenings or to schedule your next examination, contact our Melville office at (631) 423-6767.

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