When you might benefit from endodontic treatment

The idea of having a root canal performed is a scary thought for most patients, but the procedure itself is painless and helps maintain your natural smile. Also known as endodontic therapy, the root canal treatment is performed by Drs. Dean and Renee Glasser of Implant and General Dentistry of Long Island. The purpose is to save your tooth, remove infection and/or pain, and eliminate the need for extraction of your natural tooth. In certain situations in addition to local anesthetic, the apprehensive or anxious patient may require conscious sedation. Dr. Dean Glasser is Certified in the administration of Enteral or Oral Conscious Sedation. The purpose of sedation dentistry is to provide a more suitable and comfortable state of relaxation for the patient as they proceed through their course of treatment. Upon completion of the Root Canal therapy, a Post and Crown is often fabricated to provide a long term restoration for the tooth. There are a few different reasons why a patient might require this procedure. Below are just a few common situations that can occur that might warrant a recommendation of root canal therapy:

  • Toothache. Inside of the natural tooth is a mass of tissues known as the dental pulp, which houses the blood supply and nerves of the tooth. When this area is impacted by decay or trauma, it can cause pain that ranges from a mild to severe toothache. The purpose of the Root Canal treatment is to provide a viable option to save the tooth as opposed to the removal or extraction of the tooth.
  • An abscess. If an abscess has developed due to bacteria around the tooth, it can cause great discomfort including pain and swelling. To address this active bacterial infection, root canal therapy is performed and often antibiotics are prescribed to resolve this problem.
  • Large cavity. A cavity that goes undiagnosed and untreated can become extremely large and result in damage to the dental pulp within the tooth. This can impact the pulp to the point that it becomes painful, and a toothache develops. This is the primary reason why areas of decay should be caught early and treated as soon as they are found.
  • Damage to the tooth. If there has been trauma or injury to the tooth that causes damage to the dental pulp, root canal therapy may be recommended by Drs. Dean and Renee Glasser. Any type of injury to the mouth may require an evaluation by a dental professional.

Learn more about endodontic therapy at Implant and General Dentistry of Long Island

Melville, NY area patients who may be in need of root canal therapy and or sedation dentistry are encouraged to request an appointment with Drs. Dean and Renee Glasser for an evaluation. Their practice, located at 458 Old Country Road, is committed to both new and current patients in need of necessary dental work in the community. Call (631) 423-6767 to request an appointment.

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